Our Services
Putting our expertise to work for your organization.
We make it our business to understand our clients, their unique history and culture, their critical risks and opportunities and, most importantly, why solutions introduced in the past have not achieved expected results.
We engage key stakeholders in defining challenges and in mapping the way forward and we integrate these findings in a way that provides value to our clients.
Our strength comes from our ability to tailor consulting approaches and solutions to the unique needs of each client. Each client is distinctive and therefore benefits little from a “cookie cutter” approach – what works in one organization will not always work for others who face their own unique circumstances and pressures. Our ability to provide innovative and tailored solutions is what sets us apart.

Our three core business lines:
Envisioning and Leading Change
In today’s world of constant change and disruption, there is an increasing need for horizontal governance, particularly given heightened accountability and oversight requirements. Staying the course has become an anachronism. Organizations need to continually evolve in order to survive in a highly competitive business environment. At Intergage, we strive to develop new and innovative methodologies to enhance operations, improve service delivery and support business transformation.
From specific short-term assistance around issue analysis or problem solving to more broadly based strategic planning and business transformation, Intergage will work with leaders and their teams to assess their organization’s current environment, define a vision for the future, establish plans that will help achieve the vision, and help put in place processes for monitoring and reporting on results.
The drive to find new ways to solve current and emerging challenges is integral to the ongoing planning process. However, many leaders find it difficult to get their teams to challenge existing assumptions and get staff to fundamentally reconsider “the way we do things around here”. Intergage’s team of consultants have the experience to effectively plan change; assess risks and barriers; engage key stakeholders; transform organizational culture; business lines, services; and measure results. We will help challenge group thinking – encouraging teams to revisit long held assumptions and generate solutions that respond to current and future challenges.
Once future directions and priorities are identified, we work with teams to develop integrated strategic and business plans and/or change-management strategies that correspond to new strategic goals, programs and policies. We work with you to identify all internal processes, practices and services/products that must change, and help address the organizational culture issues that can block successful change initiatives. We strongly support the belief that “employees support what they help create”. In other words – effective engagement and involvement of staff equates strongly with ownership, buy-in and ultimately successful change initiatives.
Company culture has a critical role to play in any change initiative. Culture encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors in an organization. The culture plays a crucial role in how the organization functions because it determines the overall attitudes towards “how things are done around here” and overall openness to change and many other aspects of the workplace.
Of course, managing change and implementing new policies while trying to carry on business is a daunting challenge. Our approach is to establish priorities and help you move, step by step, towards a strategic human resources management system that can drive your organization forward.
Intergage works with you to meet your business transformation requirements using some of the following change management processes:
- Strategic/integrated planning including confirming vision, mission and future directions and priorities
- Mapping future requirements/directions in relation to organizational/shareholder priorities
- Board and governance assessments
- Whole system analysis, current state assessment SWOT and gap analysis, risk assessments, etc.
- Business process mapping, Lean, Agile and Prosci change management techniques
- Development of business and/or change management strategies and supporting plans and processes for monitoring implementation and measuring results
- Establish change teams and terms of reference as well as change agents to help engage employees at all levels in the organization in the change process;
- Work with stakeholders to understand how their roles and behaviors must change in order to contribute to the change process;
- Knowledge mapping and transfer;
- Communications planning; and
- Assessment of and building leadership capacity to lead change as well as organizational change readiness.
Talent Management
In today’s economy, knowledge is your most valuable asset. Success depends on attracting, developing and transferring this knowledge. But every day, those crucial organizational assets – the people who possess the knowledge – walk out the door. The challenge is to develop a culture, workplace programs and incentives, development opportunities and a positive, diverse and inclusive work environment that will attract employees back every day. The key is to recognize that everything employers do, or overlook – from orientation programs to compensation, training, development opportunities, leadership, and internal communications – affects employee motivation and performance.
Attracting and retaining talent is a critical requirement of any organization. Today talent management must create work environments and incentives that are attractive to four generations who often have different career paths, needs and demands. Intergenerational agility is a critical piece of the employee value proposition, and competitive companies will increasingly focus on successfully developing and managing a multigenerational workforce.
Organizations have to become more advanced in their methods and approaches to finding and retaining top talent that fits both the job and the culture perfectly. And retention has everything to do with ongoing development and the workplace environment.
Increasingly, employers are challenged to create diverse work environments that attract and retain a workforce that is representative of the population being served. Our tailored solutions approach will help you develop HR strategies, policies and practices that will support business and workforce requirements and ensure employee goals and aspirations are aligned with strategic priorities. At the same time, we identify and work with you to identify and resolve potential problems in relation to organizational design, barriers to creating a diverse and engaged workforce, policy requirements, leadership, management capacity, workload management, and other factors that can frustrate employees, impede performance and lead to unnecessary staff turnover.
In the high-performance organizations of the future, leadership responsibilities can no longer exist in older traditional top-down hierarchies — it must exist through networks of well-trained and empowered employees that have the resources to make decisions and execute. This creates a more nimble and agile cultural environment which leads to better decisions
Intergage works with you to meet talent management challenges and requirements such as:
- Workforce assessment
- Strategic and integrated HR planning
- Repositioning the HR function as a strategic business partner
- Aligning employees with corporate objectives and directions
- Talent Management including recruitment and retention strategies
- Knowledge management and transfer
- Designing and undertaking staffing processes
- Development of competency profiles
- Creating and supporting a diverse workforce including bringing a GBA+ lens to staffing processes
- Succession planning
- Learning strategies, including training and development
- Performance management to align employees with Strategy
Monitoring and Assessing Organizational Effectiveness
In today’s complex world, leaders need to go further than planning for change, they also need to monitor their plans; assess progress and make adjustments and report on outcomes. Demonstrating results is increasingly challenging, since results are rarely achieved in isolation but rather through partnerships. This can make it much more difficult to report on outcomes and attribute results.
At Intergage, we strive to develop new and innovative methodologies for assessing risks, performance and measuring and demonstrating results. We have a reputation for using innovative and creative approaches to measuring outcomes that are more broadly based and less tangible. By blending traditional approaches with alternative techniques, such as Outcome Mapping, we can capture qualitative as well as quantitative data. We strive to meet the evaluation challenge of making attribution to an organization or effort when initiatives and programs are often delivered through partnerships. Our experience has allowed us to develop advanced and innovative project planning, monitoring and evaluation tools to measure outcomes, particularly those associated with “softer” outcomes such as capacity building, partnership leveraging and behavioural change.
We have extensive experience in developing evaluation frameworks and undertaking evaluations of complex public and privately-based organizations and programs. Our success at planning for ongoing requirements, developing change initiatives and measuring results is supported by our ability to work with your leadership teams to ensure they have the capacity to lead in times of change. Furthermore, we bring unparalleled experience in helping government organizations deal with emerging ethics and values management issues. We can take the “ethics pulse” of your organization in a sensitive, respectful way that will lead to consensus around the issues of greatest importance and guidance regarding the best ways to move forward.
Our organizational assessment expertise includes:
- Evaluation and audit including logic model and evaluation framework development
- Performance management, measurement and monitoring
- Risk assessment and mitigation
- Assessment of values and ethics frameworks, structures and processes including developing code of conducts, standards to support internal disclosures processes
- Monitoring of business plan implementation and reporting on results
Consulting services
Our team has the capacity to provide our clients with exceptional consulting services, using a combination of the state-of-the-art methodologies in the following areas:
- Change management including business process mapping, LEAN reviews
- Governance and mandate reviews
- Economic, labour market and trend analysis, including sector based research and studies
- Stakeholder and employee consultations, including in-person, group and on-line
- Group facilitation and team development
- Leadership development and coaching
- Policy development
- Knowledge management and knowledge transfer
- Organizational and workforce assessments
- Strategic and integrated planning
- Strategic human resources management/talent management
- Program evaluation and policy and systems reviews
- Case studies, best practices and jurisdictional reviews
- Risk assessments
- Performance measurement strategies
- Program review
- Research and literature reviews